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Thoughts & Inspiration

Different Gifts

On our trip this week we got to participate a wide variety of ministries visiting nursing homes, children centers, and completing manual labor projects. Some of the youth on our trip liked to hard physical labor and felt like they…

She Will Not Fail

My faith never took off until this year, my sophomore year. I began to attend Oasis, my high school youth group, regularly, and I volunteer every Sunday at my church to teach kids ages Kingergarten-1st. When I signed up for…

Sandalwood Food Pantry

The amazing church group from Colonial Heights, VA share the stories of interactions with the guests of Sandalwood Food Pantry.  “I met 4 ladies today , Eve, Chris, Lucy and Zoe at Sandalwood Food Pantry. My impression is that the…


Bert fixing a grandfather clock       He’s 81 years old. He has been married for over 60 years. He’s a military veteran. He has accumulated a lifetime of hands-on experiences.  He has gone on countless short term ministry trips.…

Hilton Head’s Welcome Parade

Budweiser Clydesdales at the Hilton Head Parade       Because Savannah has one of the largest St Patrick’s Day parades anywhere in the U.S. and because Savannah is not that far from Hilton Head, Hilton Head has their annual St. Patrick’s Day parade…