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God is a God of making dreams come true. Just not in our timing or how we would have planned it.

In Hilton Head- He made one of my dreams come true. My #1 Bucket List dream has always been to learn how to surf. I have wanted to learn how to surf since I was a child. Gidget was always an inspiration to me (someday I’ll have my Moondoggie too).

This summer God made that specific dream a reality.

I was elated when Genia, a friend of Adventures In Missions and myself, planned a morning of surfing lessons. I was elated to meet her and my instructor, Fith, at the beach. We started off lessons- after a quick photo shoot…

Learning “The Steps”


In The Water


I was doing well too, until I bailed to the side instead of the back. Hey- I was trying to NOT hit the kid in front of me. I popped out of the water just as my surf board came at me and hit me directly on my nose.

 My nose bled on and off for hours, it swelled, gave me purple eyes and ended up with a trip to an E.N.T. Doctor as well as my very first trip to the emergency room. I choose not to have x-rays done as I try to limit radiation on my body (had lots in the past). But every medical person I saw was leaning towards the diagnosis- nasal fracture or possible nasal fracture.  

Breaking my nose isn’t how I would have chosen my first big surfing experience to go. I know beyond a doubt that the devil was trying to mess with me and discourage me. But he didn’t succeed. I not only got back on the surf board but the peace, joy, love and thanksgiving that my heart and whole body felt was incredible. The way that God showed me His love through this experience has brought me to a new level of feeling His blessings overflow in my life. I honestly wouldn’t have changed it.

 All this to give you one piece of advice:

Go after your dreams with everything you’ve got. God desires to bless you and make your dreams come true.


(Update: I am feeling amazing! No more discomfort, purple eyes, and only a little bit more swelling to go down. God is SO good.)