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The amazing church group from Colonial Heights, VA share the stories of interactions with the guests of Sandalwood Food Pantry.

 “I met 4 ladies today , Eve, Chris, Lucy and Zoe at Sandalwood Food Pantry. My impression is that the food pantry is a community. It reminded me of a program we do back home.
I also talked to Ron today about how the food pantry ran. What stuck out to me was the importance of letting the people choose their own food for independence, normalcy and self worth.”
Adult Chaperone

“I talked to a lady who shared with me why she comes to the food pantry. She is currently working for only 2-3 days a week and was struggling with cancer. Yet she is staying strong and making an attempt at a better life. ” Wes age 15

“Today I talked with Janice. She asked about who we were and why we were here. I told her what we had come to do and she nodded seeming to think it over. we talked about her life and her aliments for awhile but eventually we came back to the subject of missions. She said she was attending a church plant and there wasn’t a lot of missions yet. She expressed her desire to be used by God to help others.” Mike Youth Pastor

“I talked to Michelle who was born in Virginia. She was taught by my Grandma who worked as a government teacher at Matoaca High School. I think God realizes I like meeting people who knew my grandparents and helps put me in situations to meet and talk to them.” Cole Age 16

“One woman totaled her car then her friend let her use her old car.” Casie Age 16