
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

  I co-lead a domestic missions trip to Hilton Head SC… rough I know… but it actually was! The weather was terrible it rained the whole time!

  The first day of ministry was good because the weather was good enough to do a building and clean up project (this is what the group expected to do all week). However, it rained the rest of the week and was cold.  

  That first day I got to talk to a guy who was leading the group, and just started listening to his story… My heart just sank because this guy, who is 60 years old, was opening his heart and what has been going on in the past year with losing a close family member and then loosing a pastor who had been a huge part of his life for the past 15+ years. He started to cry and I couldn’t help but tell him how proud I was of him to see what he had done to get all these people to come with him and serve for a week!

  I was able to speak life into him and tell him who he is to Jesus, and the authority that has been given to him as a prince of the kingdom!  I looked him in the eye and asked, “Can I pray for you?” I know in that moment that is exactly what God wanted me to do, that I know he started healing that mans heart!.. Not to mention changing the trajectory for the rest of his week!

He encouraged me and said, “Man, you can pray! I wish I could do that.”

I told him “You can! Get around people who pray!”

  I’ll never forget that moment. I believe God is in those little moments, and it’s all about whether we respond in those moments of calling. Don’t lose me here, because that doesn’t mean you need to be “ready & trained,” because that happens over time; but rather just willing to except the now and whatever may cross your path.

  We often look at locations and expect for great ministry to happen outside of ourselves. The beautiful part about being a part of a ministry is that ministry is never outside of you.

It was a very encouraging and uplifting week with that team! I’m very thankful for that time I got to pour into others but more grateful for the wisdom that was poured into me.