
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hilton Head, South Carolina; a beautiful island where people go to vacation and have fun with their families. 

Unfortunately this is not a reality for everyone on the island. I want to share with you about one of the ministries we worked with during our week on the island. Carolina House is a home for the elderly that we have partnered with for a number of years. We often will work in the Alzheimer’s section of the home. Some of the residents here have been dropped off by their families and then they never come back to visit. Most of these people feel alone and abandoned, and that is not ok! These amazing people need to know that they are loved and cared for.

You might be thinking, why go? Whats the point? These people have Alzheimer’s, they won’t remember my visit anyways. The thing is, the Lord asked us to go and serve… to love the lost and the broken. You don’t know what kind of effect your participation in loving these people may have on them. Personally, I want to make the most of every moment the Lord has given to me… even if I don’t see the fruit from it.

I would like to introduce you to Marge. 

This beautiful woman has a voice like no other. I feel like she should have been a Broadway star. Every day we went to Carolina House and played games, but then ended the day with singing the whole hymn book they had there. Marge lit up when she got to sing and dance along, and I would have sang hymns all day long just to see the look on her face as she shared her joy.

It’s times like these that I am reminded why the Lord called me into ministry.

It’s about people. That’s it.. it’s that simple. It’s about Jesus, and it’s about people.


Melinda, one of the Project Leader’s on this trip, talking at Carolina House


  One of the trip participants spending time with seniors at Carolina House

Will you go?

Will you take a week out of YOUR schedule and step into what the Lord is calling you to do? Pray about it. Ask Jesus. Be willing to go if He asks you to, you won’t regret it.